Title: 30fps vs 60fps comparation.
Statement of the Problem:
* Do your experience improve when playing with more that 30fps?* Does your hability improve with more than 30fps?
* The experiment will be studied deeply and equalized.
* Find out if the statement it´s true.
* Playing 60 fps would improve the experience at gaming, it also could improve the ability of the gamer because of the improve at the vision.
* Gaming Computer: Link here* Gaming Monitor: Link here
* Fps measurer programs and webpages.
* Make a research of another experiments of the same objetive.
* Play games at 30/60fps and notice if there´s difference.
* Use especial apps for measure the fps and find out the difference.
* Make the experiment colossal: Make users see videos of 30 and 60fps and wait to see their opinion about the result.
* Create video quizes to make the users notice the difference without knowing what video is of 30 and what video is of 60.
* The appspot fps java program shows that there´s a difference of fluency between 30fps and 60fps, but this is only noticeable if the objets move at 500px/s or more.
* You may attach a separate sheet(s) if necessary.
* All tables, graphs and charts should be LABELEDappropriately.
Conclusions: [INCOMPLETE]
* Accept or reject your hypothesis.Objections:
* EXPLAIN why you accepted or rejected your hypothesis using data from the lab.
* Include a summary of the data - averages, highest, lowest..etc to help the reader understand your results. Try not to copy your data here, you should summarize and reference KEY information.
* List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real-life situation.
*Discuss possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of the data (experimental errors)
* This experiment cannot be supported by gaming websites or products, because if the experiment ends up showing that 30fps and 60fps doesn´t have significant differences people will buy less expensive products from the gaming companies, such as, for example, 120hz monitors
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