viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Final review and end of project

There´s not a real limit of view that all of us have: each person is a world, and could be that myslef like to see games at 60fps, other friend at 30fps, and pro gamers at 45fps, or 120fps, or 144fps!!! The final conclusion is that there´s not a precise number of fps we can see.

Learning about the topic:
Apart the Discoveries, I learned that the gaming community it´s a place full of people of different points of views and that companies affect in new and old gamers, so I just want to make the final conclusion for people that want play at higher fps: Do really what you want, but you should go to a game shop, play the Xbox/PS4 at 60fps, if you see difference with your gaming PC or older Xbox/PS3 at 25-30fps, then buy a powerful GPU, but, if not, think if you really need that 60fps to play and if you can use them or something more useful.

Learned about myself:
I finally understand that myself I don´t understand the rest of gamers that don´t like some products or habits of other gamers. Everyone has it´s own way to play games and their own adjustment to screens, controls and keyboards.

Where do I go from here:
Im leaving this proyect because of it´s ending, so I´m going to make a long-term blog, it´s about animes in Japanese, English and Spanish, it´s going to be in spanish, but it will be easy to navigate through it :D

Link to new blog: